Saturday, January 31, 2015

 Holy books are considered the ultimate word of God, but a close look at these texts will show that humans and not God produced these text. In the case of the Bible put together by different authors and over a long period of time. It is quite clear that the ancient text of the old testament are based on myths that the Jews borrowed from the people that were around them. They had Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians rich civilizations steeped with mythology. The Quran is also a text that is based heavily on the myths of the Jews from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Included in the Quran are prophets like Moses,Abraham, and Jesus and his mother Mary. Even God need an editor because these text claim fantastic claims without proof. Every religious component of these monotheistic triad will claim that their book is holy and that it speaks directly from god himself.

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